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giovedì 24 settembre 2015

Collezione Maramotti | Invitation opening Sworn and "Industriale immaginario"

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Opening | Corin Sworn Silent Sticks+Industriale immaginario

Collezione Maramotti is glad to invite you to the private view of the exhibitions Silent Sticks by Corin Sworn and Industriale immaginario, Saturday 3 October 2015 at 6.00pm at the Collection.

Corin Sworn, winner of the fifth edition of Max Mara Art Prize for Women, presents her large installation Silent Sticks at Collezione Maramotti, where it will enter its permanent collection, after being shown at Whitechapel Gallery, London.
Continuing her artistic research weaving history, memories and fragments of true or imagined tales, in this new project Sworn has drawn inspiration from the characters and stories of Commedia dell'Arte. The work is set like a stage scene with props, costumes, sound and video elements, and it is the result of the 2014 Italian residency of the artist.
At 7.00pm, the artist and Daniel F. Herrmann, Eisler Curator at Whitechapel Gallery, will discuss the making of the new commission and its development from Sworn's residency.

The group show Industriale immaginario presents works from the Collection from 1958 to 2013, which have never been shown before, chosen in order to illustrate some of the research in contemporary art that is explored through the use of typical industrial materials, the re-use of objects of industrial origin de-contextualized from their primary function, at the boundary between artisanal handiwork and industrial product in the creating process, with ery articulated formal outcomes and language codes.

On this occasion, the permanent collection will be open too.

Download the invitation cards.
Please print and present them at the entrance.

The double opening will be followed at 10.30pm by the concert Mercanzia di un ciarlatano, composed of three musical pieces on Commedia dell'Arte and its characters, written by Lebanese composer and painter Zad Moultaka, and performed by Simone Beneventi (percussion instruments) and Andreas Fischer (voice) in the rooms of the permanent collection. The entrance is free while seats last, reservation is recommended.

In addition, the Collection will host the announcement of the shortlisted artists for the sixth edition of the Max Mara Art Prize, on Sunday 4 October at 11.00am, in the presence of Iwona Blazwick, director of Whitechapel Gallery, and some of the artists and members of the panel.

A transfer from Milan to Reggio Emilia will be provided on Saturday 3 October.
Program of the day:

- 3.30pm: departure from Milan, Piazza Missori, and arrival to Reggio Emilia at 5.30pm
- 6.00pm: private view of the project Silent Sticks di Corin Sworn, winner
of the Max Mara Art Prize for Women, and of the group exhibition
Industriale immaginario
- 7.00pm: The Making of Silent Sticks, conversation between Corin Sworn
and Daniel F. Herrmann (Eisler Curator, Whitechapel Gallery)
- 8.30om: light dinner at the Collection
- 10.30pm: concert Mercanzia di un ciarlatano by Zad Moultaka, by
percussions and singing, in the rooms of the permanent collection
- 11pm: departure from Reggio Emilia to Milan

please confirm your presence to the opening and if you want to use the transfer by 30 September
ph. +39 349 2529989

Collezione Maramotti
Via Fratelli Cervi 66, Reggio Emilia - Italy
Ph. +39 0522 382484

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