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domenica 18 ottobre 2015

The longest baguette in the world at Expo Milano 2015 / A Expo Milano 2015 la baguette alla Nutella più lunga del mondo - 18.10.15

The record for the longest baguette in the world was broken today, 18 October, at Expo Milano 2015. As soon as the site opened, a team of 27 Italian and French bakers set to work making the dough for a baguette 122.4 metres long. 20 bakers from the Proloco of Magliano d'Alpi and 7 French "artisans boulangers" along with the President of the Chambre Professionnelle des Artisans Boulangers Patissiers de Paris joined forces to prepare the Guinness World record-breaking baguette, beating the previous record-holder, a baguette no less than 111 metres in length baked in 2009 in the Big C Supercenter, a supermarket in Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam – Dongnai.

Italy and France, a match made in heaven, smothered in Nutella

Under the eagle eye of the Guinness World Records judges, the baguette was baked for six hours in an extremely long mobile oven, fully in line with the traditional French recipe, then, with the help of Ferrero it was spread with Nutella, and distributed in 2400 portions to the visitors of the Universal Exposition of Milan. 

The aim of the initiative, sponsored by Ferrero, was to celebrate the traditional combination of bread and the tasty chocolate spread, in a context such as that of Expo Milano 2015, in which the Sole Commissioner Giuseppe Sala himself made a point of praising and reminding those present of the prestige and importance of traditional bread-making. But this gesture also represented more than that: it highlighted the closeness of Italy and France, not only geographically speaking, but also in terms of food culture and friendship. Francesco Paolo Fulci, President of Ferrero, ended the day by expressing his hope that "this initiative can create another opportunity for our two countries to meet and collaborate." 

This is the link to download the photos:
Photo Credits: Expo 2015 / Mourad Balti


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