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giovedì 20 marzo 2014

viastilicone | openings | milano, 25 March 2014

Tuesday 25 March 6.30-9 pm

Fonderia Artistica Battaglia, Mousse, Peep-Hole, and Lia Rumma invite you at the openings of the exhibitions at viastilicone, a new contemporary art district. 

With special thanks to Carlsberg! 

Public transport: tram lines 12 and 14, stop at Via Cenisio/Via Induino.

Fonderia Artistica Battaglia

Open Workshops

The Battaglia Fine Art Foundry creates sculptures in bronze through the lost wax process since 1913. It has always been one of the most renowned manufactures involved in the making of the ouvres of the main artists of the XX century and today. Every day technical innovation evolves within one of the most ancient sculptural traditions. On the occasion of viastilicone, the Foundry will open to the public with the Restoration Lab, 3D Printing, Bronze prototypation, Historical and Material Research Archive and all the original workshops.

26-30 March
2.30–7 pm
Via Stilicone 10, 20154 Milano
T. +39 02341071

The Modern Institute / Mousse

Cathy Wilkes “Sea of Galilee”

26 March–13 April

2.30–7 pm
or by appointment
Via Stilicone 10, 20154 Milano
T. +39 028356631


Uri Aran “Puddles”

Peep-Hole presents the first solo show in an Italian institution by the artist Uri Aran. Uri Aran makes detailed works in which the various components – sculptures, films, music or graphics – create apparently chaotic visual landscapes, which instead reveal the artist’s interest regarding the organisational structures that are intrinsic to any form of representation, social construct or ethical code. Aran develops research around language, seen as verbal or written articulation, as a graphic or formal element, with a particular focus on the relationship between signifier and signified. Made with gathered objects and images found or generated by computer, drawings, photographs, videos and organic materials, his installations are conceived as open “learning systems” in which viewers follow their own path of (perceptive) reading and (interpretative) meaning. Aran’s works are open storyboards that engage the viewer on a psychological-emotional plane. Good examples, in this sense, are the installations with tables, complex devices that reveal a layered relationship between reality and artifice, existential data and citation. 

For Peep-Hole Aran has created a site-specific project that occupies all the space of the art center and calls for direct interaction with visitors through the expedient of play.

26 March–3 May

2.30–7 pm
or by appointment
Via Stilicone 10, 20154 Milano
T. +39 0287067410

Lia Rumma

David Lamelas

Lia Rumma in Milan is opening a solo exhibition of works by the Argentine artist David Lamelas, who is universally acclaimed by critics as one of the pioneers of Conceptual Art. Lamelas shared the radical inspiration of the post-minimalist generation, who first brought into serious discussion, and then abandoned, the traditional model of sculpture, with its materials, its processes and its relationship with the viewer. His artistic practice, which adopts multiple forms and approaches, made a name for itself as early as the mid-1960s for the way it investigated the notions of space and time, as well as for the consistency and the irony with which it revealed the deceptions of communication and the ways in which information is conveyed. The three works, around which Lamelas has constructed his second solo exhibition at Lia Rumma (the first was in Naples in 1972 when the young gallery owner had just begun to intertwine her career with those of the main exponents of Conceptual Art), illustrate three crucial moments in his meticulous research.

26 March–24 May
11 am–2 pm; 3–7 pm
Via Stilicone 19, 20154 Milano
T. +39 0229000101
Technical sponsor 

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